For the Gods see everywhere

The poem The Builders by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was once upon a time given to apprentices of many trades to learn by heart due to its sound values of craftsmanship and life in general. Nobody has time for that any more,…

Professor Scott Hudson at the Carnegie Mellon University has developed a method for printing yarn or wool into 3D objects. He demonstrates it by printing a Teddy Bear in this video below. The technique is presented in a research paper…

The Swedish production company Dinahmoe has released the S7xTS voice chat that bridges language barriers. Every thing you or the other participants say is displayed in a language of your choice. A nice piece of computer engineering for chrome users. Test it at

A team of researchers from MIT has developed an interactive shapeshifting display which adds another dimension to long distance communication (among other things). The system is capable of recording the interaction, projecting colors and elevating the display.

The developer German Vargas has put together the hand tracking device from Leap Motion and a Lego EV3, resulting in a quite cool remote control.  He uses the MonoBrick communication library (C#) to combine the Lego vehicle with the Leap…

The Spotify addon SpotiMC is now available in beta 5 for the media platform XBMC. It can be downloaded from the developers release  page or from this unofficial mirror. It now supports running in the background of XBMC which is…

The company Oru Kayak Inc have developed a foldable kayak that won the best product award on ISPO 2014 in Munich. It started out as a kickstarter project in 2012 and is now a blooming company that sells kayaks all…

The group Robofold have developed a method of using industrial robots for complex folding of metal sheets. Founder Gregory Epps started the project 2010 and have grown to at least at least three individuals. With their two ABB robots, named…