Swedish sculptor grand exhibition in Linköping

The sculptor Mallfred Keresturi has now an ongoing exhibition with his bronze and marble sculptures in Linköping. The gallery Galleri Blå has the sculptures on display from 11/10 to 25/10. Local art critics describe the exhibition as elusive and advanced with praises to the advanced craftsmanship…

The Bengler team have visualized Norwegian moving patterns with the help of Tax documents from 2006 and 2007. Its a visual experiment with national data and it uses the Cinder project to generate the nice graphics.

Whether  its a response to the recent Findus food scandal with horse meet in the lasagna or if its a way of  taking locally produced food to the next level is hard to tell. But the dutch inspired pub De…

A complete spotify playlist with artists playing music tracks that appear in the book Real Jazz book C can now be  found here. For a curios beginner on jazz it’s very helpful to first listen to all the 165 tacks…

The famous webcomic xkcd, by Randall Munroe, has recently started a blogg which brings answers to big questions in life such as “What would happen if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90% the speed of light?” (fusion, firestorm engulfing…

The recently graduated German designer and developer Markus Kayser have explored the possibilities of green manufacturing with only the sun and sand of Sahara desert as ingredients. His SolarSinter is a sun driven 3D printer that uses sand as raw…

Great respect is earned when the loss of true geniuses are hailed even among adversaries. Steve Jobs passing is a huge loss to the modern technium, and Googles subtle tribute is admirable. Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011

“What’s important is not where we currently are, but where we are heading, or where we believe we are heading” (Authors translation) – Johan Norberg This single sentence from on of Johan Norbergs books on historical happiness sums up one…

Conceptual artist Goro Fujita have definitively mastered the art of digital speed painting when his many characters take form on the canvas. A quick peek at his portfolio is enough to understand why this Japanese artists work range from own…