Working with C++ (.cpp files) in IoT some knowledge for conversion between formats is needed. For seeding random ID strings this snippet might be useful: String clientId = “MyClient-” + String(random(0xffff), HEX); char clientIdAsChars* = clientId.c_str(); Useful for connecting your IoT device…

Arduino WiFi.status() codes

For those who tinker with the Wifi Modules for microprocessors ESP32, Arduino Uno with shileds, or similar might have stumbled upon the WiFi library. Due to the lack of code actual values on the library page for the WiFi the…

A good video tutorial of basic functions for an abacus have been published on youtube by Lindblå Läs och Skrivutveckling. This is a good starting point for anybody wanting to learn how to use an Abacus to improve their arithmetic skills. More…

In the development environment CodeSys the user sometimes has to exclude libraries or other objects from the build, for example when faced with error code 3700 or other circumstances with duplicated libraries. For CodeSys version 2.3 this can be done…

As recently announced on the Google I/O 2013, there has been an update to Google Play filtering strategy of Android applications. Applications not specifically identified as designed for tablets will not show in search results in Google Play. To achieve this…

The abacus is an old Asian tool for calculations that is still used in schools today, as it has proven itself a very useful tool when developing your math skills. Its based on a top section and a bottom section…

It’s relatively easy to get started with the Java development for Android applications, and here are a short guide to how to set up the development environment. Download the program Eclipse, which is an open source development platform for Java…

Due to the shortage of comprehensive online information on the mechanics behind the templates for the 3D cad software NX Unigraphics, this is an attempt to at least increase the number of explanatory efforts available in the marshes of the…