Chinese Abacus in Swedish schools

More and more Swedish schools are realizing the benefits with the traditional Abacus as a tool for math education. The school Waldorfskolan in Söderköping have Abacus classes on the schedule since a few years back and both teachers and students…

A good video tutorial of basic functions for an abacus have been published on youtube by Lindblå Läs och Skrivutveckling. This is a good starting point for anybody wanting to learn how to use an Abacus to improve their arithmetic skills. More…

With diminishing school results in many parts of the modern world, a classic and truly evaluated method to train logic, arithmetic’s and mental capacity is needed. The answer is the Abacus, the traditional Asian method to help visualize and understand numbers and logic. The…

The abacus is an old Asian tool for calculations that is still used in schools today, as it has proven itself a very useful tool when developing your math skills. Its based on a top section and a bottom section…